Why you should get a paint color consultation before painting your home

October 5, 2021 at 7:00 AM
Why you should get a paint color consultation before painting your home

Painting a room can be a stressful experience. From prepping the room to paint to find the right colors to carrying out the project, there’s a lot to do. Choosing the paint color can be paralyzing in and of itself as the color will set the tone for the room and the rest of your home. With help from a paint color consultation, you can make the perfect decision regarding the color you want to paint your home. If you’ve never had a color consultation before, our team at Fox Painting has five reasons why it’s a good idea to speak with an expert before you paint.

Saves you money

One of the nice things about paint is that it can be redone. If you don’t like the color that you chose, simply paint over it. While this is a nice sentiment, paint isn’t cheap. If you approach painting, you could double or even triple your costs by buying a questionable color of paint, completing the job, then doing it all over again if it turns out you don’t like it. With help from a color expert, you can get expert advice regarding which colors would help to tie the room in with the rest of the home or set it apart in a way that you’re comfortable with.

Knows the latest trends

The paint you use on your walls will play a significant role in the resale value of your home. For instance, if you have a large wall that you paint dark red as an accent color against other white walls, the visual and the thought of repainting the wall might feel overwhelming to some buyers and they’ll turn away. Keep in mind certain trends that come with color schemes and accents as you could be putting your home on the market someday.

Understands paint materials

Not all paints are made from the same materials. There are acrylics, enamels, oil-based, latex-based, and others. The type of paint that you use depends entirely on the look you’re trying to create in the room as well as the climate you live in. Your paint expert will know what kind of paint will perform best in your home as you consider what will last longest, protect your walls from the environment, and look great for years.

Offers objective outside opinions

Sometimes when you’re trying to solve a puzzle, it gets more and more difficult the longer you stare at it. The same goes with deciding what color to paint your home. You might be stuck on a certain color you feel would look nice but it doesn’t seem like the best option. This isn’t uncommon and can cause many homeowners to get stuck in their process. A paint color consultation will help by bringing an outside perspective to the room. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes is all it takes to solve the puzzle.

Provides holistic evaluation

It’s not unusual to look at a room that you want to paint and think of it in a vacuum. This means that you’re thinking of it in its own space without considering how it ties in with the rest of your house. A color consultant can point out how your living room interacts with the kitchen, the hallways, back to the bedrooms, and into the office. This will help open new considerations for color schemes you would like to use.

Schedule a consultation

Get help painting your living room and the rest of your house by scheduling a paint color consultation with Fox Painting. We have a team of experts who can help you decide on the best color for a single room in your home or the entire place. Get in touch by calling 845-500-0557 or send a message using our online contact form. We’re available to talk seven days a week.